
Cultivate & Propagate

Our blog is a space for everyone and anyone to gather knowledge and information about interior design and plant care. Revealing and relating both the graceless and beautiful truths of life, wellness, and death that we experience through plants.

Shira Panitch Shira Panitch

Setting Boundaries With Ourselves

This month’s post feels a bit different. Lately, there’s been a lot going on in my life with my business and personal relationships, I’ve been struggling sometimes to feel joy when it’s time to care for my plants.

And not just my plants, but this is a plant blog and I have over 100 plants. While they usually bring me so much love and happiness, these days the care seems to fall by the wayside, and the next time I get around to them I see them ailing.

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Shira Panitch Shira Panitch

Phoenix Summer Garden Guide

So you want a summer garden in the Sonoran Desert? Read this guide to help you know what to plant and how much to water! We’ll go over the duration of the season, when and what to plant, and how much to water. Let’s dig in.

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Shira Panitch Shira Panitch

Xeriscaping: How to Garden in the Desert With (Almost) No Water

In Phoenix, nearly 50% of home water consumption is used outdoors for irrigation. That’s an insane quantity of water used just to irrigate our landscape! We all know that we are in the midst of a global climate crisis and as desert dwellers, we bear an even heavier burden to lower our water consumption.

Enter “xeriscaping,” the landscape principle of utilizing native plants to irrigate as little as possible.

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Shira Panitch Shira Panitch

It's Okay to Fail (And Kill Your Plants)

I am an expert in plants. It is my full-time job—along with design—and I attend graduate school for it. So yeah, I’m as close to an expert as I would say I am about anything at my age (a ripe 23 and a half years if you were curious). And still, I fail miserably, epically, royally at them sometimes.

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Transform Your Space

Glow & Grow transforms ordinary spaces into extraordinary experiences.
We are an interior plant and patio design company that consults with each client to learn their style, budget, and lighting before drafting a design proposal. Our designs are restorative, peaceful, and evocative.